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Seeking Stability: How soft-release can improve outcomes for captive turtles released into fragmented environments

By Tyjaha Steele

Displayed is a trail camera aimed at the temporary release pens to monitor the turtles’ movements and behavior during their soft-release period. (Photo courtesy of Tracey Tuberville)
Displayed is a trail camera aimed at the temporary release pens to monitor the turtles’ movements and behavior during their soft-release period. (Photo courtesy of Tracey Tuberville)

For species rescued from captivity from illegal pet trade or wildlife trafficking, reintroduction into the wild goes beyond relocation. It requires reestablishing behaviors and instincts necessary for survival in nature. Animals with diminished natural instincts often struggle to adapt to unfamiliar environments. This leaves them vulnerable to threats like human activity and reduces their chances of thriving in their natural habitat.

Recognizing this challenge, researchers at the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory worked to boost the survival rates of 26 long-term captive Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) by releasing them to the Savannah River Site in Aiken, South Carolina, using a method called soft-release.

“Soft-release is frequently used in wildlife reintroductions and involves gradually acclimating animals to their release site before allowing them to roam freely,” states Tracey Tuberville, senior research scientist at SREL and lead scientist for this study.

Of the 26 turtles reintroduced, 16 were soft-released and slowly introduced to their new environment, while 10 were hard-released and placed directly into their new habitat. An additional 10 resident turtles served as a control group for comparison. A key metric of success that was tracked throughout the study was settling time.

“Settling time is the amount of time that was required for an animal to establish their home range and was an important metric used to determine whether soft-release was effective,” explains Ryan Rimple, a recently graduated UGA SREL master’s student and now PhD student at New Mexico State University, who was a lead contributor on this paper.

Soft-released turtles showed first-year survival rates of 87.5%, closely following those of their resident counterparts, and their chances of survival are likely to improve in subsequent years, as they continue to become acclimated to their new habitat. They settled into their new environment 21 days earlier than hard-released turtles, stayed closer to their release site, and showed reduced wandering after acclimation. By reducing these risky behaviors, soft-release is
likely to help promote high survivorship in turtles following release.

Marked for monitoring, this Eastern Box Turtle played a key role in understanding soft-release effectiveness. (Photo courtesy of Tracey Tuberville)
Marked for monitoring, this Eastern Box Turtle played a key role in understanding soft-release effectiveness. (Photo courtesy of Tracey Tuberville)

Tuberville asserts, “A key component of acclimation is confining turtles to a temporary enclosure at the release site to help curb their initial flight response that might occur when placed in an unfamiliar environment.” This helps to ease the stress of relocation. Temporary penning allows turtles to adjust to their surroundings, giving them the opportunity to locate necessary resources. The soft-release method is ideal for smaller or fragmented habitats, where limiting movement reduces the risks of road crossings, urban development, and exposure to predators.

The behavior and survival rates of hard-released turtles followed a different pattern throughout the study. They displayed slightly higher first-year survival rates, ranging from 90% to 100%, but established home ranges farther from the release site due to greater exploratory movements. Research indicates that this increased movement could be harmful in fragmented release sites, where animals may face higher mortality rates during the exploratory phase. “Being active on the surface is riskier to turtles than being hidden under leaf litter or other shelter sites. Obviously, turtles need to move to find food and mates. The more active they are on the surface, the greater the risk of encountering potential hazards such as roads or predators.” Tuberville explains.

Despite higher initial survival rates, the increased movement of hard-released turtles and associated risks highlight the need for a stabilized long-term approach. The findings from this study suggest that soft-release offers such stability for animals reintroduced after challenges like illegal trade or habitat loss.

Ryan Rimple can be seen holding an Eastern Box Turtle he helped reacclimate to its new environment. (Photo courtesy of Tracey Tuberville)
Ryan Rimple can be seen holding an Eastern Box Turtle he helped reacclimate to its new environment. (Photo courtesy of Tracey Tuberville)

Reflecting on the broader impact, Rimple adds, “the reduction we observed in the post-release exploratory phase is important as most studies have shown that this phase of post-release behavior is when turtles are most vulnerable to mortality. By reducing the risk of wandering, soft-release can increase survival rates, allowing released turtles the opportunity to add to their new population over time.”

The original study titled, “Translocation of Long-Term Captive Eastern Box Turtles and the Efficacy of Soft-Release: Implications for Turtle Confiscations,” was published in the Northeastern Naturalist and was written by Ryan Rimple, Michel Kohl, Kurt Buhlmann, and Tracey Tuberville.

Turning Trash Into Treasure: How scientists are using peanut shells and rice husks to clean up toxic mercury in our environment

By Tyjaha Steele

An image of a sulfur-modified rick husk used in this study as seen under a scanning electron microscope. (Photo courtesy of Valentine Nzengung)

In the wake of Hurricane Helene and the recent flooding across the Southeast, it is crucial to understand the environmental impact of such events. Flooding historically causes sediment disruption which spreads harmful contaminants like mercury. These events can allow for toxic levels of mercury to enter the food web, posing serious risks to wildlife and humans. Researchers at the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL) have developed a promising solution to remediate this issue using biochar, a carbonized byproduct of organic waste. When added to contaminated soil, biochar can reduce the harmful effects of mercury, especially in flooded areas. 

Natural soil samples were collected for testing from the Phinizy Center for Water Sciences and Phinizy Swamp Nature Park in Augusta, Georgia. Mesocosms, enclosed environments designed to replicate natural ecosystem conditions, were used to simulate flooding conditions on a smaller scale. The soil sediment was then enriched with inorganic mercury, mercury that has been combined with other chemical elements, to mimic a pollution event before it was left to sit for 28 days.  

Different types of biochar, either rice husk or peanut hull, unmodified or modified with sulfur, were added to the soil, and the mesocosms were flooded to observe the effects of water on the polluted soil.  

“Peanut hull and rice husk were chosen due to their wide availability and established background research,” explains Xiaoyu Xu, an assistant research scientist at the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory and lead researcher for this study.  

The soil then sat to adjust again for 28 days. Afterward, the soil’s chemical properties were measured to see how they changed, and samples were collected to see how much total mercury, labile mercury, and organic mercury (toxic methylmercury) remained. Researchers then reviewed how each type of biochar, applied at different application rates, affected the amount of mercury that became more toxic over time.  

The measurements were repeated at 28-day intervals (56 and 84 days after biochar application) to monitor changes in its effectiveness over time and to determine the most efficient application method. Researchers discovered that sulfur-modified rice husks, applied between 56 and 84 days, worked best in stabilizing labile mercury in contaminated floodplains. Success was determined based on decreases in total mercury and labile mercury concentrations, and a reduction in methylmercury.  

“Overall, we found that adding biochar reduced the amount of mercury that can easily move and react in the environment by bonding with smaller particles, making the mercury more stable and less harmful,” states Xu. “However, adding large amounts of sulfur-modified biochar unexpectedly increased the production of toxic methylmercury.”  

The ability of biochar to stabilize mercury is especially critical as extreme weather events like Hurricane Helene highlight the risks associated with flooding. Heavy rainfall and floodwaters can redistribute harmful metals like mercury that are associated with health concerns in humans. The research findings suggest that using biochar could offer a sustainable and scalable solution for remediating contaminated sites. This method repurposes agricultural waste that would otherwise be discarded and reduces the mobility and toxicity of mercury. As a result, it lowers the risk of mercury entering the food chain and causing health issues. 

More research is needed to understand how sulfur-modified biochar affects methylmercury levels over time. “This approach shows promise as an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to use organic byproducts to tackle mercury contamination,” Xu adds. 

The original article was published in the Journal of Environmental Quality by Brittany E. Jensen, Breanna Spencer, and Xiaoyu Xu.

Science Comes Alive at Science Saturday

Unleashing the Scientist in Everyone

Participants enjoy interacting with various research and live animals and plants at the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory’s Science Saturday event. (Photo courtesy of the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory).

AIKEN, SOUTH CAROLINA, July 12, 2024 – The University of Georgia Savannah River Ecology Laboratory’s Science Saturday returns at a new location at the North Augusta Riverview Park Activities Center on Saturday, August 3, 2024, from 10 AM – 1 PM.

Event attendees will have the unique opportunity to get up and close with a variety a research being conducted by SREL scientists and graduate students. Additionally, they can interact with various local plants and animals that call the Central Savannah River Area their home.

“From alligators to rattlesnakes to carnivorous plants, we’ll have a little bit of everything for people to engage with,” states Katrina Ford, assistant director for outreach, communication, and education at SREL.

Residents will not only meet many local flora and fauna but also have the chance to engage in discussions about the latest research with scientists and graduate students. This interactive element provides a unique opportunity to learn from the experts themselves.

Olin “Gene” Rhodes, the director of the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory and a professor at the Odum School of Ecology, asserts, “We are pleased to again offer Science Saturday by the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory to the members of our local communities to present them the opportunity to engage with the faculty, staff, and students and learn about the many interesting and impactful research activities we conduct at the laboratory.  We hope to highlight the fantastic work that our employees and students conduct to benefit our local communities, our nation, and the world.”

Science Saturday is one of several free programs offered at SREL, which has a long-standing tradition of community involvement and investing in future generations. The Outreach and Education team conducts programs like Ecologist for a Day and EcoTalks throughout the year. The Ecologist for a Day program immerses students in guided field experiences where they identify living and nonliving components of local ecosystems, inspiring them to consider careers in S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering, and math), while the Ecologist for a Day program brings nature into classrooms and afterschool programs.

SREL also offers numerous opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing careers in environmental science and related fields. Through internships, courses, and technician positions, these students gain valuable fieldwork experience.


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About the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory: The Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, a research unit of the University of Georgia, located near Aiken, South Carolina, pursues a plethora of research interests from atoms to ecosystems in the realm of ecology. For over seven decades, the SREL’s mission has provided an independent evaluation of the impact of Savannah River Site’s operations on the environment to the public and to the Department of Energy. This mission is accomplished through research, education, and outreach.

A genetic clock can predict lifespan in mammals, UGA’s SREL research suggests 

By Lauren Maynor

University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory former graduate student Emily Bertucci-Richter and SREL associate professor Benjamin Parrott in the field. (Picture courtesy of UGA SREL)

Do humans have a ticking clock within them that can determine their lifespan? The answer may surprise you.  

A recent study conducted by Emily Bertucci-Richter, a genomics analyst at the University of Michigan and former graduate student at the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Lab, and Benjamin Parrott, associate professor at SREL, has provided fascinating new insights into the phenomenon of epigenetic drift, also known as “epigenetic disorder.” This biological process is like a countdown within an animal’s DNA, marking the passage of time and influencing its rate of aging.  

“There are a lot of folks working on epigenetic aging as it relates to human health,” Parrott explains. “Age is a major risk factor for many human diseases including cancers, dementia, and Alzheimer’s.” 

Epigenetic drift is a process in which changes happen to an animal’s DNA as it ages, affecting the aging process. This research sought to unravel the mysteries surrounding epigenetic drift and its possible contribution to the differences in maximum lifespan observed across various mammal species. 

The researchers monitored how rats, mice, dogs, and baboons age and how chemical modifications to their DNA change over time. The study analyzed the dynamics of epigenetic drift accumulation with age across these four mammal species. They aimed to understand how it relates to maximum lifespan and whether CpG density, a specific DNA sequence, plays a role in buffering against epigenetic drift. Their findings hinted at the possible protective role of CpG density in mitigating the effects of age-associated epigenetic disorder.  

“Our working model and hypothesis are that CpG density does play a role in buffering against epigenetic drift,” Parrott says. “Other researchers have found that the CpG density in certain regions of the genome is higher in longer-lived species when compared to species with shorter lifespans. For example, humans, chimps, and dogs have greater CpG density than mice and rats.” 

The researchers found that all animals they studied experience epigenetic drift, but it happens faster in animals that have shorter lifespans. Their study suggests that there are other mechanisms, in addition to CpG density, that act to slow epigenetic drift. 

Parrott adds, “Genes involved in repairing DNA damage might underlie some of the differences in the rate of epigenetic drift. For example, Sirtuin proteins are involved in DNA repair and some nice work from Dr. Vera Gorbunova’s lab has shown that Sirtuins in longer-lived species are more efficient at repairing breaks in DNA when compared to the same genes in shorter-lived species.” 

These findings supported the researchers’ hypothesis that the rate of epigenetic drift explains maximum lifespan. The research conducted provided partial support for the hypothesis that CpG density buffers against epigenetic drift.  

Their research findings have significant implications in aging research. By understanding the role of epigenetic drift in aging, scientists may be able to develop new ways to predict and potentially slow down the aging process. 

“Our group is driven by basic curiosity,” Parrott says. “Why is it that some species live longer than others? What are the ecological and evolutionary dynamics that led to such wide variation in lifespans across the tree of life? These questions are a major inspiration for the work we do, and this study gets us just a bit closer to better understanding the answer.” 

The original study, The rate of epigenetic drift scales with maximum lifespan across mammals, was completed by Emily Bertucci-Richter and Benjamin Parrott at SREL.  

The Power of Progress: Head-starting and the Future of Mojave Desert Tortoise Conservation

Researchers from the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory in collaboration with the University of California, Davis, recently conducted a study in the Mojave National Preserve in San Bernardino County, California, to further investigate the effectiveness of head-starting as a conservation tool for the Mojave desert tortoise. This species is currently listed as “Threatened” under the federal Endangered Species Act due to significant threats from habitat destruction and over-exploitation and was listed as “Endangered” by the State of California.

Whit Gibbons earns John Herr Lifetime Achievement Award

AIKEN, SOUTH CAROLINA, April 2, 2024 – J. Whitfield “Whit” Gibbons, professor emeritus at the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, was honored with the 2024 John Herr Lifetime Achievement Award by the Association of Southeastern Biologists (ASB). Gibbons was honored on Friday, March 22, 2024, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, for his astounding body of work and contributions to the field of ecology.

This prestigious award is given yearly by the ASB. Its two main criteria include a long-standing devotion to ASB and contributions to the advancement of biology in the southeastern United States. 

Gibbons was venerated with this award due to his mentorship and engagement of students and other early career professionals and his dedication to environmental outreach. Over his lifetime, Gibbons has published over 250 peer-reviewed articles, 30 books, and 2000 weekly installments of “Ecoviews”.  Gibbons has also mentored 45 master’s and PhD students over his career. These facets are just some of the reasons that showcase Gibbon’s dedication to the field of ecology.

Gibbons states about this honor, “I am honored to have been the recipient of the award but owe any achievements to my long-term associates at ASB and to SREL and other UGA colleagues, especially former students. It has been a wonderful experience, and my thanks go out to them. I continue to learn from them and admire their dedication to ecological research in concert with environmental outreach and education for all.”

UGA’s Savannah River Ecology Lab appoints Lauren Maynor as its first Science Content Strategist

The University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory has announced the appointment of Lauren Maynor as the first ever Science Content Strategist to effectively bridge the gap between researchers and the general public. Maynor brings a bachelor’s degree in English, a concentration in professional writing, and an extensive background in social media with experience in biology.

Shedding light on night drives

A new study delves into factors that impact detecting wildlife after dark

By Katrina M. Ford

According to a 2008 study, wildlife-vehicle collisions cost an estimated $8.4 billion in damages, with more than 58,000 people injured and 440 deaths occurring annually. These numbers continue to increase as urban sprawl expands and human-wildlife interactions increase. For many folks, wildlife-vehicle collisions are becoming a part of life. This is especially dangerous with days getting darker earlier.

A recent study conducted at the Savannah River Site by scientists and students from the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory sheds light on the ability of drivers to observe animals and avoid dangerous wildlife-vehicle collisions at night safely.

“Our goal was to examine how various animals, drivers and environmental variables influenced drivers’ ability to detect animals at night and avoid collisions. We wanted to better understand why wildlife-vehicle collisions at night are so common,” said Travis DeVault, associate director for research at the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory and senior author on this study.

Read the whole article on UGA News.

Bait, Bite, and Beware: The Complex Web of Invasive Species Management in Guam

In Guam, the battle against invasive species like the brown tree snake has led to the use of toxicant-laced bait, a method that’s proven effective but controversial. Recent studies reveal both invasive and native species scavenge on these toxicant-affected carcasses, raising concerns about unintended ecological consequences and the broader impact on the island’s ecosystem.