Radiodiological Education, Monitoring and Outreach Project

Photo by: David Scott
The Radiological Education, Monitoring, and Outreach Project, known as REMOP, was created in 2016 to educate residents in Burke County, Georgia, particularly those living in Shell Bluff, about radiological monitoring programs that assess the landscape surrounding the Savannah River Site. The goal of REMOP was to equip the citizens of Burke County with the knowledge to understand environmental monitoring programs.
Calendar of Events
The REMOP program has concluded. Feel free to explore additional resources on this page.
Lesson Plans
Lesson plans are developed for all educational events and are specific to Burke County, Georgia. All lesson plans can be adjusted to meet the needs of other audiences
- REMOP Talk – Introduction
- REMOP Talk – Contaminants
- REMOP Talk – Radiation
- REMOP Talk – Environmental Monitoring Programs
- REMOP Talk – Tritium
- REMOP Talk – What is Risk
A bi-monthly publication that provides a glimpse of past program activities and feature articles about program participants.
Advisory Council Notes
The Community Advisory Council and the External Advisory Council provide advisory support to the REMOP. The CAC is comprised of community members from Shell Bluff and Waynesboro. The EAC is comprised of experts working in the field of environmental justice, nuclear engineering, and toxicology, as well as stakeholders from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy.
- CAC Meeting Agenda July 2017
- CAC Meeting Agenda September 2017
- CAC Meeting PowerPoint July 2017
- CAC Meeting PowerPoint September 2017
- Community Advisory Council Draft Charter
Community Resources
General information on emergency preparedness, public health services, and agricultural resources for residents and individuals visiting the Burke County area.
Access information on various topics ranging from environmental health to regional monitoring programs to radioecology.