Stream Ecology

Stream Ecology
Dive into the amazing world of stream ecology in this standard-aligned field excursion for 5th – 12th grades. During this course, students gain real-world field skills by:
- measuring pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen of stream water
- sorting, identifying, and counting macroinvertebrates
- recognizing various abiotic and biotic factors in stream ecosystems
Teachers will be given a copy of the data collected along with extension activity ideas for further exploration of these topics in math, language arts, and visual arts for the classroom.
The program is held at the University of Georgia’s SREL Conference Center near Aiken, S.C. Educators also learn how to create outdoor classroom stations on or near their campuses with a variety of follow-up activities.
Guidelines for the Stream Ecology program:
- Groups must have a minimum of 10 students and a maximum of 30 students, not counting teachers and chaperones
- For the safety of our guests, all visitors must be at least 6 years old
- Programs are generally held from 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM and offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Programs are held rain or shine. It is recommended that participants bring a jacket or coat with them in case of rain.
- Participants must wear clothing and footwear suitable for walking exploration on trails in the woods – closed-toed shoes and long pants are strongly recommended.
- Participants will need to bring a sack lunch.
- Transportation to and from the Conference Center is the responsibility of the group scheduling the event. Click here to download the map.