
SREL has a wide-range of equipment essential to conducting integrated ecological research on the Savannah River Site. These resources allow the lab to do comprehensive analyses on-site and assist SRS stakeholders as well as regional, national, and international collaborative partners in their various missions.
Total Mercury Analyzer
This instrument is used on solid and liquid samples to quantify total mercury concentration. The sample is combusted in an oxygen rich stream where mercury is evaporated and concentrated on a gold trap to eliminate other inferences. The trap is then heated to release mercury, which is then quantified by atomic absorption. This instrument supports U.S. Department of Energy, other site tenants, and external stakeholders.
Radionuclide Counting Equipment (4)
Auto-Gamma Counter: This sodium iodide detector analyzes gamma emitters such as cesium-137. It is ideal for the routine analysis of small sample masses.
Gross Alpha/Beta Counter: This gas flow proportional counter detects low-level alpha and beta emissions from a range of sample types. It is routinely used to screen samples before in-depth radiochemical analysis.
High-Purity Germanium Counter (HP-Ge): This instrument employs gamma spectroscopy to identify and quantify gamma-emitting radionuclides in bulk samples before in-depth chemical analysis.
Liquid Scintillation Counter: This instrument is used for the routine analysis of beta emitters including Tritium (H-3), Carbon-14, Iodine-129, and Technetium-99.